Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A Race for the Nut House..er...White House

Usually I am quiet when it comes to politics but who is as fed up as I am with all this garbage they call the bid for Democratic Nominee?! The trash being slung by the 2 lead candidates is tiresome and saddening. Seems these 2 like hurling insults at one another so much they keep forgetting the issues. Instead we get their time eaten away by telling us what he said or she said. Jeez! Are these 2 and 3 year olds or people who actually WANT us to vote them into the top office in the country? Hmmm... And to have all the snipe that has been spewed regurgatated to me like I'M the 2 year old is beyond annoying. It's insulting. I am capable of reading a newspaper folks!

I'd like to scream, "Just tell me what YOU are gonna do about this mess overseas, the healthcare mess HERE at home, what about jobs here, what about the tax system and taxes themself...?! How are YOU going to fix it?!" I don't want to hear about his being black, her being white, what his/her spouse said...blah, blah, blah. Get off the playground kids and get serious with us voters. Otherwise, like me, they may abandon your "cause" and support a candidate who has the experience, knowledge, and ability to stay out of the mud. Besides, you are all part of the same PARTY!!! Your viewpoints are not that different, I know, I've ACTUALLY read them.

The sad thing is...this is just the start. If I think the insults are bad now I only have to wait until the Republican and Democratic nominees square off. No wonder so many people have no desire to vote. Although I am reminded of the shirt with Bush's face on it that says: 'Next time you'll vote won't ya Hippie?' I know I will vote. What about you? You gonna vote or has all this soured you?

Friday, January 25, 2008

I Will Never Be...

a Proverbs 31 woman. At least not entirely.

For those who may not know, the Proverbs 31 woman is many Christian women's ideal. A standard to strive toward. She has her own money, she oversees her land, takes care of her servants. She is her husband's partner and is trusted completely with their land, property and goods. She is a skillful business woman able to buy and sell on the market. She is a humanitarian helping those less fortunate. She is loved by her husband and children. And she of course does this all with happiness and energy and never speaks an ill word.

Quite a standard wouldn't you say? Yet what most forget, even we Christian women, is that she is a composite of women. Now, many would argue that point but let's take a look. God gave every single one of us different talents. I am a capable seamstress but really lack when it comes to cleaning. I take care of our children but find fixing mechanical things in the house completely beyond me. I can sing but I can't play one single instrument. Many days with 3 Goobers underfoot I do NOT go through my day with complete cheerfulnes OR endless energy.

We are all capable women. We are just capable at many different things. God knows this. He knows no one can excel at EVERYTHING. The Proverbs 31 woman is not about being the "perfect" woman. It is about being a strong, multitalented, caring woman who puts God first and foremost in her heart. She is a woman after God's heart.

I just recently saw a story on Nightline about Asian women who are trying to make themselves look "whiter". They are subjecting themselves to peels and masks and what not to get a "porceline" look. They are also going in for surgeries that break the femur or tibia and a metal bar is then screwed in to give them a few extra inches. What in the ?!?! And everyday women are making themselves "beautiful" through surgeries, hair coloring... This isn't a bad thing unless you forget why you, as a woman, were created. Seems the "ideal woman" of the WORLD has overshot God's idea of the "perfect woman". Proverbs 31: 30 is my favorite verse in this chapter and one I really need to keep in mind daily: "Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." So while I may never be Wonder Woman, I can know that I am wonderfully made and loved by my Creator.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

My "Re" List of the New Year

Most people make "resolutions" at the end of an old year or beginning of a new one. I haven't done that since I was...14. Instead, as I've gotten older, I use the time to "re"flect, "re"alize and "re"member the past year. Here is my list (in no special order):

1. Staples in one's home change. When I was single...a bag of salad and 6 pack of beer were all I needed. When I got married...Boca burgers, eggs and water were the best things I could have around. Now as a Mom? Cheerios, goldfish and Kool-aid (although sometimes that beer sounds GGGGGOOOOODDDDD) are absolute necessities (as most Moms can attest to should you EVER have run out of them).

2.Pregnancy IS a beautiful thing. Post-baby belly after 3 munchkins so close in age? Not so beautiful. No...I do NOT see this as a "battle scar" ladies, it is simply a flubby belly.

3. All relationships, be they a marriage, friendship, familial or what not, can be healed. Maybe some can not be salvageable but ALL can be healed. If two (or more) can open communication, be honest about their needs and continue to grow...it WILL work out.

4.Once upon a time, my wardrobe consisted of stylish clothing (at least to me), more shoes than I EVER thought I'd own and manicured nails and a polished haircut. Ahh...but motherhood has reduced me to jeans or overalls (sometimes worn 4 days in a row..yeah, I know.."EEWWW"..look I do change my underwear folks!), running shoes (need 'em with toddlers) and the age-old ponytail.

5. Our children's clothes and shoes are breaking me! (see above). Even if you shop at Walmart, find a bargain and buy decent cheap shoes...for 3? That means you are still gonna break your bank of at LEAST $50! Sad thing I have discovered...they will be out of those in an average of 6 months. Unless of course you shop Gymboree or Crazy 8 and then you might get 2 seasons wear out of 'em.

6. Gummy grins and toddler giggles are the BEST remedy for grumpiness. Try this on anyone (like the frazzled check-out lady at the grocery store) and it's guaranteed a better experience for all.

7.Best words this year? "I love you" combined with either "Mommy" or my name. Awww...melt...

8.The best smell is still: vanilla. I've tried, really I have, to embrace other scents but... the smell reminds me of warmth and love and an easiness that are wonderful to wrap up in on a cold blustery night.

9. Toddlerspeak is an amazing phenomena. If you don't have a toddler of your own, this language is somewhat baffling, if not down right frustrating, to comprehend. But belonging to a toddler (like that Mommies?) does NOT mean you will understand ALL toddlerspeak. OHHHH NNNNOOOO...in fact there are MANY dialects. While one toddler may understand their sibling (they come from the same land you know) another toddler may think they speak utter gibberish. See? So you may understand YOUR child quite clearly while another child is a complete illusion to you (and your toddler). Here is the amazing part, in case you weren't already, apparently once ALL your brood reaches "older child" speak...your ability to understand toddlers wanes and finally...is non-existent (unless of course your the Mommy). Curious. Are you lost? perhaps I used my poor toddlerspeak skills here. Sorry.

10. My final"re"alization? I will fail. I WILL. I will fail my husband. I will fail my children. I will fail others. I will fail myself. And I will fail God. I am not alone though. I will be in great company: Einstein, The Wright Brothers and many from Scripture (Peter, Moses, Adam...). I am human. No matter how I still try to be "perfect" I can't. The bottomline is: I will fail. But in those failures I know I will find the understanding, truth, hope and love that my Creator will give me. It will allow me to grow and be the woman I should be. For my husband. For my children. For others. For myself. And for God.

May we ALL fail miserably this coming year!