Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Really?! Come On..REALLY?!

I must say I am a bit tired of "these people" who seem to have nothing better to do than complain about the state of affairs. More specifically, political leaders. Look, I'm no fan of the current President, I didn't vote for him and there are many policies of his I simply outright disagree with but come on...the uproar over his speech to the Nation's children was a bit tedious and tiresome. Like watching some sore loser kick the star athlete because he won the game. UGH!!

The BIBLE even says to support your leaders for they are in authority. It doesn't say you have to agree with them, but respect their position and follow them unless it goes against God's teaching (ie: Hitler killing thousands). To these protesters that sure seemed to be exactly what Obama was asking. Not that he was informing the children to excel in school, set goals to strive for, that they alone are the dictators of their fates or to be civic minded...oh no...they believed he was indoctrinating them into this "Children's Army". WHAT?! Because the Administration sent out work assignment ideas on how children could HELP our countries leaders? *gasp* How DARE they ask our children to get involved in their World.

While I understand that "by law" the Administration should NOT have sent such worksheets out, again...am I missing something? I WANT our children involved. I WANT them to know they CAN change political tides. I want them to stand up for REAL injustices. I WANT them to set goals and know they CAN reach them. Silly me for wanting that. And shame on you too President Obama for wanting that for our Nation's children too. ;)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

A Begining and An End

So here we are starting our first “official” school year. While technically Daniel went all day last Thursday, this is the first full day with both the boys and girls.

He is usually my late sleeper but being excited/nervous, he woke early and was raring to go. He looked so grown up in his school uniform and I couldn’t help but feel his same exited nervousness. He kept asking if it was time to go for over the hour we still had left at home. I’m not sure whether I should have felt a bit offended that this little boy (who was now so “grown”) whom I’d spent the last 5 years playing with, learning with and growing with; was so ready to chuck me aside for bigger and brighter things. I wasn’t. Instead I rejoiced that Chris and I had instilled in him a desire to learn and branch out without fear. We taught him that at the end of the day, no matter where or who he was, we would always be there to listen to and love him. I wasn’t wistful of his “lost” childhood, I was thrilled to see him growing.

In the midst of this transition we were worried about Rebekah, who has had Daniel as her playmate since she was born. Would she adjust? Would she cry all day? Her response after we got back in the car without her brother? “Can we go HOME now?!“ Talk about resilient eh? There was one person we completely forgot in this equation though. Michael. He was NOT happy to see his brother not returning with us to the van and cried the entire way home. Poor Baby. Hopefully he and Rebekah will form a new and different bond now they will have more time with just each other.

Some parents believe that once a child graduates is when they begin to fly. I don’t think that is true. I think they start spreading their wings in their young years, fly in their teens and SOAR in their college years. While I am a bit sad not to be able to join Daniel’s flight, since it is his alone, Chris and I will continue to cheer from the ground and provide that safe landing place should he ever need it. Good luck Daniel! May God continue with you on your journey!

Here's a song that makes me always think of the children growing up. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Playin' Catch Up

So...uh...yeah...I haven't written anything about home schooling since we have yet again changed course. Due to the work load decreasing for CW we opted to send Daniel to a charter school. Which is kind of funny since a week prior I had decided on all the curriculum for the kindergarten year. Anyway.. I have mixed feelings about the decision. One one side, I feel sad since I was looking forward to teaching him and still being able to have him home. Yet on the other hand, I know in reality this is probably the best course for him. He thrives with other children and away from his siblings. HE is free to explore his independence and who he is and will become. That.. Is.. AWESOME!! CW and I have agreed to see where this year leads us and to go from there. I am excited to be able to spend time with the other 2 Goobers aside from the eldest. Can’t wait to see where the year takes them.

Emotionally this year has been a roller coaster so far. Financially.. things suck, as I’m sure for most Americans it does. We aren’t drowning, but we are in a perpetual doggie paddle. Reminding myself of Matthew 6: 25-34 constantly. The Lord does provide even if I don’t see it at the time. CW has been my positive safe haven and God has been my Rock. How can I ask for more than that?

On a lighter note: Daniel just turned 5 and I can’t believe the time flew so fast. Becks is coming up on her 4th birthday and is too cute for her own good. She is so much like me in personality it is scary. Pray she puts her stubbornness to better use than I ever did. Michael is a shining happy light. So easygoing and smart. Although I have a feeling he will try and get away with so much by playing the “baby” card.

CW & I have continued to work on our marriage and are in a better place than I could have ever hoped for. We have stopped the crap we were doing to hurt one another for past misdeeds. If possible we argue less than when all this began over 2 years ago. I know he is the love I was meant for and I am blessed that God brought us through that trial stronger; both as a couple and as individuals.

As for me, I am still crafting and sewing. It is a cathartic thing for me. It gives me peace and solace when the World is in utter chaos around me. I should try and post some items I’ve done so I can have a record (in one place) rather than look through several folders on the computer.

That’s it for now. I think that’s enough.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Many people have pet peeves, things that irritate the heck outta them. While I have a few...the biggest thing for me is: lying. I HATE it!! Yes, hate. I know being the Mom to 3 little Goobers faces me with lying pretty much weekly, this is not the kind that I am talking about. Sure they lie but they simple do it to save their owns butts most of the time and don't really understand the full weight a lie can have.

I'm just really cheesed off right now. See, I just don't "get" when an ADULT lies. I don't (unless kidding around and then usually fess up right away), so I'm not sure why others do. A 'friend' right now has told me 2 lies which I find irritating to NO end. It's not WHAT she lied about...but that she found it necessary to lie. Supposedly I am her best friend so...not sure why the need to lie to ME was there...but okay. This is probably why I tend to keep people (other than family) at arms length. I just hate the stupidness that some feel they need to push on others. UGH!!! And I don't know how to say what I'm feeling because all I really want to to to scream and punch something...because when can I believe anything a liar spews forth? Uh..try never.

Friday, January 23, 2009

A New Year...We'll See

I am such a slacker when it comes to documenting which REALLY makes what I came to write about pretty funny...and sad.

DH has finally decided that he wants me to homeschool the 3 Goobers. ::snort:: There are so many things runnin through my head I finally just needed to write them down, get them out and form a plan.

First, I feel overwhelmed with all the information out there. It is not a matter of where to start but where to STOP. You can choose a state funded program...not my first pick. Because if I wanted to "do" the public school route I'd just send them to public school. DUH! And I'm not really keen on having the State looking over my shoulder at every turn. While I understand the kids will still have to do those dumber-than-dumb-gets Standardized Tests...I don't need them prying in on what I am teaching them OR at the pace they need to be taught. I'm really torn between a structured curriculum (kind of like a curriculum in a box thing) and teaching them the needed skills ala cart so to speak. UGH!!

Second, I feel an incredible pressure. This is a HUGE responsibility. Not that parenting itself is a cake walk but we're talking about a child's future success here. The only consoling fact on this is I have seen and know many parents who are...let's be honest... a few shelves shy of a library. At least I'm a bit smarter. Um...I think. Hmm...

Third, I'm excited too. I love sitting with the eldest and watching him learn. He is such a sponge and, not to brag (but I'm gonna), he's such a bright boy. To be able to help him focus on his interests and work with him on his weaknesses without feeling inferior to his peers is AWESOME!! And the added bonus of having our family's views/values rather than peer views/values become his norm? ROCKS!!!

This means for me I will have to do a couple things besides the obvious of mentoring, challanging, organizing and the general stuff. It will mean I have to bust out of my comfort zones. Two major ones being: defering to others to guide our children's education and socalizing so our kiddos can form friendships and bonds with their peers. Neither one of these is easy for me. I'm reserved by nature and so let others in authority do "their job" (even if they do it wrong) and keeping an EXTREMELY small circle of people around me (in fact besides my family...I see only one friend on a regular basis). I don't want that for the kiddos. So time for change.

My goal is to chart this progress and process so I can look at it as the other wee ones start their educations, see what worked and what didn't and maybe also help other new homeschoolers who begin this path and feel as lost and confused as I do right now. Wish us luck!! And pray.