Friday, November 30, 2007

Tis The Season....PPPPHHHHTTTT!!! the holiday season is officially under way. Yea...whoopee. Let me just say, I am neither a Deck-The-Halls kinda gal but I am not a Scrooge either. So far though...the season ain't lookin bright.

Online shopping (yes, this is how I avoid getting my toes broken by over zealous shoppers every year) had just gotten underway when...BOOM!!! Our computer decides it is going to wipe everything from it's entire memory! So now, I can't look for good deals and I lost all my recent pictures of the Goobers!! CW had already put previous ones to hard copy for me. So it really wasn't THAT bad considering I am following CW's much requested advice for the holiday and sticking to only 3 gifts per Goob. See Honey? I listen. Just took me...what? Three years? Parents presents are done. Just leaves MIL since Hubs and I aren't exchanging gifts (psst...yea...RRRRRIIIIIGGGGGHHHHTTT!).

So now the computer is down. And what? I get sick. I am hackin' and sneezin' and well...just miserable but wait!! I scheduled...PICTURES for the family. Now I could have managed the sickness had I planned better for getting photos done. Yet the procrasinator in me (see? Ownin' up here again Dear) kept puttin it off. First mistake. I went somewhere new. Second mistake. It gets better. Then scheduled the whole thing when? Oh...just about when the Goobs wind down for bed and on my husband's iron pouring day. Third mistake. Merry Christmas!!! The WORST thing? Hated ALL the pictures!! Now I was emptied handed unless you count the overtired children and husband.

Now the cold was worse and I couldn't sleep so CW decided to stay home and help with the Kiddos. Ended up me setting up a "photo shoot" for the kids with snot drippin out of my nose (had to get the pics done some way dontcha know?), while Hubs spent his time in Technical Support Limbo for the computer. Your call is very important to us. Uh-huh. By the I took will be in the Photo Album if ya wanna look.

Summary: No gifts. No professional pictures. Hard drive wiped. But! The computer is up and the desktop is a lovely uncluttered blue. Ya know how people count down for Christmas? Well, I'm countin down for January know when people become a bit nicer and the world seems a bit LESS chaotic?

Friday, November 23, 2007


What can I say? You were a brave soul. Through the summer we watched you moved from your spacious high-rise loft to a middle floor apartment. You worked endlessly through the wind and rain. One could only envy your amazing work ethic. You lacked for nothing in skill. You made CW scream like a little girl in the early hours and me giggle hearing him scream. You were an incredible architect, even though we were the only ones whoever got to see your work. You worked so diligently these past few days creating an exquisite masterpiece in the warm sun and breeze. But it was to be for naught, when yesterday brought its blistering cold and snow. We will miss you Fred. Your hairy 6 legs. Your HUGE dime-sized body. Farewell Theridion frondeum! Our HUGE Cobweb Weaver!! Adieu!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

At The Moment

In this world of million upon millions of people it is amazing that one can feel so scared and lonely. I know I am not the only one who feels like this. Lately I feel more alone and scared than I have been in many years. In fact, I would say since High School. I find myself shutting more and more people out which makes me even more isolated. Like a merry-go-round I can't seem to get off of. I talk to God and I know He is with me providing His strength and love but I really wish I had "physical" closeness with others. Yet at the same time, I DON'T want it. Makes no sense does it? I have been keeping so much inside lately that I feel…lost, empty, lonely and scared. I don't talk to anyone about this, except God, because I don't want to "burden" them or worse, have their disapproval. So I stay silent and go about my days as though nothing is wrong. But in the quiet, like now, there is just this emptiness and me. I know I will get through this it is just a matter of when. At the moment I have too much time to reflect., too much pressing on my heart & mind. Too much.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Goobers Of Fall

or all those whom I have yet to bombard with Goober they ARE!! The first batch were from Miller Apple Farm and my Aunt's farm. The second batch is Akron's Boo at the Zoo and T&Ting. Yep! Those are the costumes I made and the pumpkins I carved this year. And yes...I did manage to have that 3rd Gobber in there somewhere! Enjoy!