Thursday, August 27, 2009

A Begining and An End

So here we are starting our first “official” school year. While technically Daniel went all day last Thursday, this is the first full day with both the boys and girls.

He is usually my late sleeper but being excited/nervous, he woke early and was raring to go. He looked so grown up in his school uniform and I couldn’t help but feel his same exited nervousness. He kept asking if it was time to go for over the hour we still had left at home. I’m not sure whether I should have felt a bit offended that this little boy (who was now so “grown”) whom I’d spent the last 5 years playing with, learning with and growing with; was so ready to chuck me aside for bigger and brighter things. I wasn’t. Instead I rejoiced that Chris and I had instilled in him a desire to learn and branch out without fear. We taught him that at the end of the day, no matter where or who he was, we would always be there to listen to and love him. I wasn’t wistful of his “lost” childhood, I was thrilled to see him growing.

In the midst of this transition we were worried about Rebekah, who has had Daniel as her playmate since she was born. Would she adjust? Would she cry all day? Her response after we got back in the car without her brother? “Can we go HOME now?!“ Talk about resilient eh? There was one person we completely forgot in this equation though. Michael. He was NOT happy to see his brother not returning with us to the van and cried the entire way home. Poor Baby. Hopefully he and Rebekah will form a new and different bond now they will have more time with just each other.

Some parents believe that once a child graduates is when they begin to fly. I don’t think that is true. I think they start spreading their wings in their young years, fly in their teens and SOAR in their college years. While I am a bit sad not to be able to join Daniel’s flight, since it is his alone, Chris and I will continue to cheer from the ground and provide that safe landing place should he ever need it. Good luck Daniel! May God continue with you on your journey!

Here's a song that makes me always think of the children growing up. Enjoy!

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