Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Really?! Come On..REALLY?!

I must say I am a bit tired of "these people" who seem to have nothing better to do than complain about the state of affairs. More specifically, political leaders. Look, I'm no fan of the current President, I didn't vote for him and there are many policies of his I simply outright disagree with but come on...the uproar over his speech to the Nation's children was a bit tedious and tiresome. Like watching some sore loser kick the star athlete because he won the game. UGH!!

The BIBLE even says to support your leaders for they are in authority. It doesn't say you have to agree with them, but respect their position and follow them unless it goes against God's teaching (ie: Hitler killing thousands). To these protesters that sure seemed to be exactly what Obama was asking. Not that he was informing the children to excel in school, set goals to strive for, that they alone are the dictators of their fates or to be civic minded...oh no...they believed he was indoctrinating them into this "Children's Army". WHAT?! Because the Administration sent out work assignment ideas on how children could HELP our countries leaders? *gasp* How DARE they ask our children to get involved in their World.

While I understand that "by law" the Administration should NOT have sent such worksheets out, again...am I missing something? I WANT our children involved. I WANT them to know they CAN change political tides. I want them to stand up for REAL injustices. I WANT them to set goals and know they CAN reach them. Silly me for wanting that. And shame on you too President Obama for wanting that for our Nation's children too. ;)

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