Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Playin' Catch Up

So...uh...yeah...I haven't written anything about home schooling since we have yet again changed course. Due to the work load decreasing for CW we opted to send Daniel to a charter school. Which is kind of funny since a week prior I had decided on all the curriculum for the kindergarten year. Anyway.. I have mixed feelings about the decision. One one side, I feel sad since I was looking forward to teaching him and still being able to have him home. Yet on the other hand, I know in reality this is probably the best course for him. He thrives with other children and away from his siblings. HE is free to explore his independence and who he is and will become. That.. Is.. AWESOME!! CW and I have agreed to see where this year leads us and to go from there. I am excited to be able to spend time with the other 2 Goobers aside from the eldest. Can’t wait to see where the year takes them.

Emotionally this year has been a roller coaster so far. Financially.. things suck, as I’m sure for most Americans it does. We aren’t drowning, but we are in a perpetual doggie paddle. Reminding myself of Matthew 6: 25-34 constantly. The Lord does provide even if I don’t see it at the time. CW has been my positive safe haven and God has been my Rock. How can I ask for more than that?

On a lighter note: Daniel just turned 5 and I can’t believe the time flew so fast. Becks is coming up on her 4th birthday and is too cute for her own good. She is so much like me in personality it is scary. Pray she puts her stubbornness to better use than I ever did. Michael is a shining happy light. So easygoing and smart. Although I have a feeling he will try and get away with so much by playing the “baby” card.

CW & I have continued to work on our marriage and are in a better place than I could have ever hoped for. We have stopped the crap we were doing to hurt one another for past misdeeds. If possible we argue less than when all this began over 2 years ago. I know he is the love I was meant for and I am blessed that God brought us through that trial stronger; both as a couple and as individuals.

As for me, I am still crafting and sewing. It is a cathartic thing for me. It gives me peace and solace when the World is in utter chaos around me. I should try and post some items I’ve done so I can have a record (in one place) rather than look through several folders on the computer.

That’s it for now. I think that’s enough.

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