Thursday, March 12, 2009


Many people have pet peeves, things that irritate the heck outta them. While I have a few...the biggest thing for me is: lying. I HATE it!! Yes, hate. I know being the Mom to 3 little Goobers faces me with lying pretty much weekly, this is not the kind that I am talking about. Sure they lie but they simple do it to save their owns butts most of the time and don't really understand the full weight a lie can have.

I'm just really cheesed off right now. See, I just don't "get" when an ADULT lies. I don't (unless kidding around and then usually fess up right away), so I'm not sure why others do. A 'friend' right now has told me 2 lies which I find irritating to NO end. It's not WHAT she lied about...but that she found it necessary to lie. Supposedly I am her best friend so...not sure why the need to lie to ME was there...but okay. This is probably why I tend to keep people (other than family) at arms length. I just hate the stupidness that some feel they need to push on others. UGH!!! And I don't know how to say what I'm feeling because all I really want to to to scream and punch something...because when can I believe anything a liar spews forth? Uh..try never.

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