Friday, January 23, 2009

A New Year...We'll See

I am such a slacker when it comes to documenting which REALLY makes what I came to write about pretty funny...and sad.

DH has finally decided that he wants me to homeschool the 3 Goobers. ::snort:: There are so many things runnin through my head I finally just needed to write them down, get them out and form a plan.

First, I feel overwhelmed with all the information out there. It is not a matter of where to start but where to STOP. You can choose a state funded program...not my first pick. Because if I wanted to "do" the public school route I'd just send them to public school. DUH! And I'm not really keen on having the State looking over my shoulder at every turn. While I understand the kids will still have to do those dumber-than-dumb-gets Standardized Tests...I don't need them prying in on what I am teaching them OR at the pace they need to be taught. I'm really torn between a structured curriculum (kind of like a curriculum in a box thing) and teaching them the needed skills ala cart so to speak. UGH!!

Second, I feel an incredible pressure. This is a HUGE responsibility. Not that parenting itself is a cake walk but we're talking about a child's future success here. The only consoling fact on this is I have seen and know many parents who are...let's be honest... a few shelves shy of a library. At least I'm a bit smarter. Um...I think. Hmm...

Third, I'm excited too. I love sitting with the eldest and watching him learn. He is such a sponge and, not to brag (but I'm gonna), he's such a bright boy. To be able to help him focus on his interests and work with him on his weaknesses without feeling inferior to his peers is AWESOME!! And the added bonus of having our family's views/values rather than peer views/values become his norm? ROCKS!!!

This means for me I will have to do a couple things besides the obvious of mentoring, challanging, organizing and the general stuff. It will mean I have to bust out of my comfort zones. Two major ones being: defering to others to guide our children's education and socalizing so our kiddos can form friendships and bonds with their peers. Neither one of these is easy for me. I'm reserved by nature and so let others in authority do "their job" (even if they do it wrong) and keeping an EXTREMELY small circle of people around me (in fact besides my family...I see only one friend on a regular basis). I don't want that for the kiddos. So time for change.

My goal is to chart this progress and process so I can look at it as the other wee ones start their educations, see what worked and what didn't and maybe also help other new homeschoolers who begin this path and feel as lost and confused as I do right now. Wish us luck!! And pray.

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