Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Been nutty here with our oldest's birthday party. But, WHEW! that's done (and another post or for my other blog).

Today I'm thinking about ambition and how do you go about instilling that in your children. Hmmm...see PERSONALLY I am not all that ambitious. I never wanted to BE anything. Not a teacher, not a doctor, not a wife, not a mother...nothing. Sounds sad but it really isn't. I've never wondered what I COULD have been since I had no desire to BE anything. I've exsisted and feel okay about that. Not good. Not bad. Okay. Heehee...this drives one particular person crazy but at least now I know where the ambivilance comes from. Oops! Sorry mind wandered. Where was I?

Now my parents were supportive but not goal oriented people. Correction: my MOM was those things. She never swayed me one way or another. Never asked my interests or goals. Yet I knew she was there. So how much can I lay on her and how much do I lay on myself? Another question.

So now I am trying to figure out how as a Mom I can foster that ambition. Not that kind of ambition that leaves a burnt path of pain and devestation in its wake. But the kind that drives one forward with the desire to do good works. I know providing a faith based home is a start but then everything starts to look all muddled. I try to introduce the kids to new experiences and cultures as often as I can and hope to continue to do so. They need to be exposed to others and other things so they CAN carve out a path. My black/white husband told me this though, "No matter how much we try to be a Rockwell family, or anybody does, we'll still mess it up as parents. But that will help them make their paths too." Ahh...sometimes you just need someone to wipe the dirty glass so you can see it sparkle dontcha?

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