Friday, July 27, 2007

The Skinny (Or Fat for Dumb People)

This a peeve of mine and has been now through ALL 3 pregnancies; people who blurt STUPID stuff without using that filter God gave them in their brain called: TACT!!

I'm not sure when someone makes a comment about weight to a pregnant lady that they think this is acceptable or what. Example: "Gosh! Are you sure you're not having twins?!" (got that with my second) or "Wow! You are REALLY out there!" (got that with my first) or the recent comment was, "You're really showing for only that far along!" What the heck?! Okay, I am 6 1/2 months pregnant, I have gained 12 lbs (below what I should be gaining BTW) and this is my THIRD kid!! GRRR... Then my Mom relates a comment she made to a lady carrying twins needing a wheelbarrow by 9 months (she's 3 months along)! No she didn't?!

What the...?! Here's the scoop for all thsoe who have not been pregnant, do not intend be pregnant or well...just don't have the right equiptment: it is NOT okay to spout and spew this poop at pregnant women!! Unless of course you are an imbecile or really want to die at a pregnant woman's swollen ankles! And here is a lithmus test in case you are still confused about what IS acceptable to say: if you wouldn't say it to a fat person...then don't say it to a pregnant lady. BUT...for those of you that hurt other people by saying cruel and heartless things then please use KISS and say, "You look good."

'Kay, I had my say. I must waddle away now to find some more Dips. Just as soon as I get outta my chair!

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