Monday, July 16, 2007


When you're a SAHM so much seems to revolve around the kids, especially when they are little. They still can't do for themselves, they still want you (Mommy, Mommy!!!)... And not that I mind, but it was great to go out this weekend without them and reconnect with my husband.

Ever realize how much you miss someone you see everyday? That's pretty much how it was for me. DH works LONG hours so I can stay home with the kids. Unfortunately that means time gets sacrificed both for the kids and me. We see him minimally during the week. So it was a nice change to just walk, have a yummy dinner and actually talk all without interruption. After 15 years I still love to hear him talk, laugh, and be thoughtful & introspective. I am always amazed at how much he knows or remembers (I'm lucky if I remember what the heck I did with my car keys half the time).

This entry may seem a bit sappy for some (I warned you early enough) but...if you've ever not been able to hang out with a good friend, a close relative, a lover, or spouse and then to add the fact that you see them everyday you understand where I am coming from. I Corinthians 13:13 states : "And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." We can have faith in God or our other relationships that they will survive despite all. We can have hope in our relationships that things will "get better". But if you lack love in relationships then what would the point be? While love may not sustain you through all adversity it is the foundation on which you need to build your "home". It will be the thing that will bind you and push you on. It will give you the strength you need to get rid of all the other mess. And if you've read any other posts you know that it is what is helping me overcome all that poop.

Lord Byron wrote: "I have great hopes that we shall love each other all our lives as much as if we had never married at all." I would still love DH even if we had never got married (wouldn't he be shocked?). He is a great person to hang out with, share faith with, have hope in and love. I'm glad I got the chance this weekend to really appreciate that all over.

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