Thursday, July 31, 2008

How Many Shoes Can Fall?

Just when I thought it was safe...seems I was mistaken. I THOUGHT he was over spying on me but apparently I was very wrong. You'd think I was the one who started this mess. Yet here I was/am trying to bite my tounge, not be intrusive and rebuild this marriage only to discover him reading my e-mails and messages. That's cool. I got nothing to hide OR be ashamed of. I mean, seriously...give me a break just when am I supposed to have the time (or ENERGY) to carry out an affair?! I am with 3 kids under the age of 5 ALL day!! DUH!!!

Besides the fact that I am still COMPLETELY head over heels for him. Even after all that crap while I was pregnant. Why can't he get THAT?! Drives me nuts!!! I still ache when he isn't around, I still smell his pillow once he leaves for work ( he doesn't know that though) and am impatient for his return. Just tickss me off, ticks me off, ticks me off...that he feels he has to resort to this petty bull!! Will he ever understand and know I don't WANT anyone else that I only need him? Too bad he doesn't read THIS blog!! Maybe he'd get it because telling him obviously hasn't worked so well.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Bull, More Bull...and Respite

Wow! Last week was such a bunch of crap I just didn't blog ' mind and soul were just torn to shreds. This week is looking WAY better.

Let's clean up he crap from last week so I can really focus this week. First, CW was off all week on shut-down and since he watches my eating habits I was even MORE conscious of my food choices. My stomach was NOT happy and rewarded me swiftly and justly. Really sucks and is weird at the same time. I mean I'm already very aware of food and be put on "super alert" was mentally (and physically) exhausting. He's back to work and so...

Of course we fought. Of course. Par for the course (day before we had people comin over for the 4th). But when he leaves his phone at home, doesn't tell me where he's going, when he'll be home and doesn't call for 9 HOURS!!! What the hell does he expect my reaction to be when he DOES meander home? Gratitude? Ass! You left me with the 3 Goobers (yeah...the ones I take care 24/7 without nary a break except errands) and don't even bother to CALL?! And HE didn't even call, he had his SISTER call!! The stupid broad hasn't even bothered to contact us in 3 years or even see how her mom is doing an you stop in to SEE her?! WTF???!!! And have her call me?! Dumb, dumb and dumb!!! After 16 years he should'a known that wasn't a bright idea...ANY of it!! So as soon as he walked in, I walked out and went to have a drink at a downtown bar. Not a great idea...but I never think too rationally when angry. When I got home words were said and then we got calm and started TALKING. Insecurity and mistrust are never good bed partners and unfortunately we both have that crap to muddle through. Anyway...

And to top it off I manage to catch poison oak yet again this summer and this time it is really bad and hurts, itches and is REALLY gross/pus yuck.

But...this week has started of really cool. CW & I are easy with each other and are continuing to talk and actually taking some extra time to ourselves to do it. Goober #1 started Session II swimming lessons and is LOVING it. He's jumpin off the diving board which is cool and he thinks so too. I am having a slight blood increase knowing they will be taking his swim belt off but... The other 2 Goobs have been enjoying the fresh air while waiting for lessons to be over and are lovin the swings.

I've been having trouble sleepin again more due from the fact I am more creative in the wee hours of the night and feel more sluggish come morning and during the day. But because everyone is in bed I am limited in activities so...been takin to sittin outside in the quiet of the night. What's neat about where we live is that although it's considered the "bad" part of town there are lots of homes with large yards and HUGE trees that have been here forever. They block out streetlights in our backyard and the neighborhood gets real quiet too. . So it lends to a serene setting. What has been killer though is...the MOON!! Lots of people like full moons or half moons but...this moon has been just a sliver for the past 6 days and it words...So I gather my thoughts at night and prepare for the next day. I will be sad when this moon phase is over. beginnings right?

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Mostly On My Own

Crappy day today. I was talking to someone about issues with CW but have now realized she and my husband are much closer (friend-wise) so now...I'm back to just me, my thoughts and feelings because I feel less free to discuss all my stuff wondering if it will end up in my husband's ear. So now I am back to battling them out on my own. It really sucks. I stopped talking to family because well...I don't want to bias them against CW nor do I want advice. I just want someone to LISTEN. I have no other friends except this person and one.

The feelings of isolation continue to grow and I have noticed myself resorting to old "techniques" of control. Unfortunately for me, they relate around food. I have been calorie counting again and refusing food. I make sure others see me "eat" just to throw them off. No need to worry others right? I've also taken to exercising in private too. To do it outright would throw a red flag up if they notice THAT and the weight loss. I've tried to stop but...I feel isolated and out of control mentally that I know I'm doing this to get some control back. Damn! I KNOW I'm doing this!!! Why can't I stop?

I also have been holding others off about why I haven't made an appointment with my endocrinologist too. "I've been busy", "Takes a while for lab work"...I just don't care. That's the real reason. How do you tell someone that? Because then I get, "You're being selfish." Those kids need you." "Fine! Kill yourself then!" Yeah, helpful responses people. Thanks! Makes me feel SO much better about it. When in fact, it just sinks me deeper into my solitary abyss. Yea.

Well...tomorrow is another day. Let's see.

Friday, June 27, 2008

A Long and Exciting Day for the Goobers

Today was a long, but great, day for the Goobers. VBS ended with an evening program that included music by the kids and a slide show. WOW!! Our oldest is growin SO fast. Earlier he graduated from his swimming class and will be moving up to the next class. I am so proud of him. He has the biggest grin when he is in that water!! Way to go Bubs!!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I Wish I Could...

...get out of this junk I'm wading in and celebrate the wonderful accomplishments of the Goobers today. I mean, Goober #1 went down the pool slide by himself, Goober #2 is really being a wonderful girl and Goober #3 seems to be adjusting to this teething thing. Me? I'm down.

So while I want to celebrate (although I never let the kids see any different) I am feeling like a prisoner lately. Let's be clear though. A prisoner in Federal Prison. You know, decent meals, decent clothes, decent housing, time out and yet...lacking any "real" freedom or privacy for that matter. In fact, I hate to blog it down because...I feel invaded (not by bloggers...)...yet...So what happens in times when I feel like there is no "outlet"...I start shutting off from others. Habit that is hard to break even after all these years. Unfortunately there is only one area that causes this heartache and it's my marriage. Yeah, I probably SHOULD talk to him but, to be truthful, he's the cause of the hurt and the one I want at the greatest distance. Not good when you are trying to SAVE a marriage. Besides, he cares about how everyone else is and how their lives are and pretty much leaves me be. Whatever. I feel alone and so very sad.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Another Day...Another Week

This week has been...LONG. Goober #1 started swim lessons on Monday. He was scared to let go of the instructor so they moved him to Tot As. He's doin EXCELLENT!! Good for him!!

Then Goober #2 fell ill on Tuesday. PHHHTTT!!! So, I ended up spending most of the night up checking her temp, calming her down, and giving alternating Motrin/Tylenol to break her fever to no avail. She took a rare morning nap for 2 days although was racin around the rest of the day. I get so nervous when these kids have fevers but no other symptoms. By the 3rd day she was fine. Weird. Although on Day 2...the boys fell down with the Mystery Temperature. So I spent the next few days up at night with them.

To top it off Goober #3 is teething and so wants to nurse, nurse, nurse (suck/pressure thing). So last night after nursing him 2xs in a row I just laid him down in hopes he'd fall asleep. I went outside, was having a smoke only to be confronted by my irrate husband who couldn't sleep because of the crying. I said, "I already nursed him twice." "Fine!" was his reply. I followed him up the stairs and asked him, "What would you like me to do?" No reply. He stormed into the bedroom and proceded to pick up Wailin Boy. I told him, "Just go. Go to bed. I'll nurse him again. But I just NURSED him." "Well, I've got to get sleep!!" (Ha! Tell me about it. I'm workin on 8 hours of sleep myself ya ass) So off he went. Nursed the Babe...again...laid his sleepy butt down only to be rewarded with...."WWWWAAAAAHHHH!!!!" Screw it! I got a bottle, put water/juice mix (90/10) in it and gave it to him! Bingo! Sleepin baby!! Unfortunately when he woke at night the boy coulda used his diaper as a floatation device!

CW is being a boob again and I'm not sure what to do. Funny (not ha,ha funny) that when I do something he doesn't like he yells, accuses, and name-calls. Yet when he does the exact same thing? I'M the one with "issues". Uh...okay. Sure. If it eases your mind and guilt Babe. You go right ahead and blame him. Dork! Ah....forward march!

Friday, June 13, 2008

What IS This Liquid?

Yesterday I was sitting at the computer browsing my current obsession ( ebay) when Goober #1 announces he "has to pee Mommy". Off he goes with Goober #2 (Lord knows the girl can't let him pee in private) up the stairs. I continue with my obsession (while listening to their banter upstairs..."No", "Go away", "I gotta pee Sissy"...) only to be interrupted by a "drip, drip, drip". I look towards the living room to see a couch pillow with a large wet spot getting dripped on from our CEILING, which is right over...that's right, the bathroom!

I rush upstairs, and although I didn't hear water running...I was SURE they had secretly turned it on. I hit the landing, rounded the corner only to see Goober #1 still hanging out by the potty and Goober #2 just outside the door. No water on. odd. Only to look down at the floor and see a huge puddle. Apparently Goober #1 managed to get as far as his pants down before he peed on the floor...OVER the floor vent.Now, if ya know about old homes, ya know in 1941 some "vents" were actually holes in the floor so the heat would rise from the chimney or furnace. So, what I assumed was our children playing in water and it seeping through the floor, was actually our son not making it to the potty, peeing on the floor and thus dripping urine through the living room ceiling. Ahh...good times, good times.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A Glance

Now I remember why I don't keep journals...I never seem to keep up with them. Ah well... Lots been goin on with the clan so I seem to be busy with nary a moment to myself.

Last week, CW and I decided to send Goober #1 off to pre-K. Crap! When did he get older?! So I scouted local private schools and we decided on a nearby Christian school. Today I enrolled him and he was able to see the classroom. Took a while to explain to him why he couldn't start today (summer) but he's SO excited to be going. People have said I'll be sad. To be honest, I'm sad that I'm NOT sad. Not that I'm ecstatic, but I am THRILLED to see his joy. KWIM? His enthusiasm for learning is contagious and I know he will LOVE it, hence MY loving it. I figure I should enjoy it while it lasts because when he gets older...who knows how he'll feel about school. Ha! Does this mean I can "school" shop? I need an excuse or somethin to do THAT!!

Meanwhile the other two Goobers are well...different than #1. Miss Princess is...a handful. She has a mind of her own lately that is running smack in to mine nearly everyday. I'm just not sure what to do. I want to cultivate her independence on one hand but feel like I'm losing my mind (and temper) on the other. Tantrums are an everyday occurrence although never OUTSIDE the house. Weird. She mimics Goober #1 which is sometimes a good thing, and other times...not so much. Muddle, muddle through.

Baby Goob is WAY different. He is happy and content most times (except when wet, hungry or tired). He rolls like a roly-poly bug...all over. It's funny though to watch him sit only because he gets SO excited...he knocks himself over. Pretty funny.

On the marriage front...things are not so great. CW & I are still struggling to right the wrongs and just seems we are only managing to make more wrongs. I wonder if love is enough. I mean, I know he loves me. I know I love him. Yet we continue to hurt and mistrust each other at every turn. And in my mind you just don't do that to those you care about. I hate to walk away but I also don't want us to keep this crap up and continue rehashing old and making new wounds. I'd rather SOMETHING be left than nothing at all. I don't know. I'm so confused, and hurt, and angry and sad... Guess we will continue to work at it and see what happens.

That's all for now...gonna try and keep up on this journal a bit more. Cross fingers.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Random Thoughts

I should really try and write things down as they happen. Sometimes though, it is just impossible with 3 little ones underfoot.

My emotions have been all over the board lately and it makes me feel insane. I've been reading The Heroin Diaries by Nikki Sixx and can relate to the scattered thoughts. Only difference: he was high when he wrote his craziness and I'm not. Don't really know what is scarier here.

Right now, I have been feeling isolated. I'm with the kids all day, talk to my family & friends every so often...but I just feel all alone with my thoughts. I don't really talk to anyone, not even CW about what I'm feeling. Probably because I think he just doesn't care so I keep it to myself. How do I get out of this funk? When will this stop?

Monday, May 12, 2008

A Great Mother's Day

As some know my previous Mother's Days have well...left something to be desired. This year however CW and the Goobs really made my weekEND!!

On Saturday CW & I went out after 8 months sans the Goobers. Wow!! Actual conversation? With an adult?! And no one screamin for milk, carrots or Cheez-its?! Although while at the Japanese restaurant he did ask if I was sure we weren't home when a child a few tables away continued to cry for 15 minutes. Truthfully...I was just glad it wasn't ours. Afterward we walked the street to a store we used to frequent when we"younger" and I found a cute sweater that would match the new leopard pumps I just got (aside: Yes, Riki...bought 'em even with the 4" heel and all. LOVE them!!). So CW got that as part of my Mom's Day gift. As I've said before it is always nice to get out and reconnect with each other. Like a needed rain or sunshine.

On Sunday he went out (without my urging) and got breakfast (gotta grocery shop), a coffee and a newspaper. Miss Thing gave me a rose, Bubs gave me a mug that he colored and Wee One gave me his best toothless grin. See? I KNEW they just saved their horns for other days. lol And CW gave me a charm bracelet with the Goobers' initals on each locket.

Sometimes they can really throw me off guard. I love when they do! They are awesome!! And I really love them all. Thank you for making this Mother's Day the best ever!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

One For Momma

Since having 3 Goobs pretty close in age I’ve been, well, quite down on myself physically. But it seemed everyone lately had been saying how good I looked...blah, today I decided to test their observations. I did this the same 2 ways I did pre-Goober 1 when I dropped weight. I put on CW’s 30/30s and try on the dress I bought in SF on Haight. If they fit? I’m pretty happy. Means I’m on track.

So...I first tried on a pair of CW’s Levi 505s. Aww...yea they fit! Probably coulda tried his 29/30s but...let’s not get too overconfident. So then I headed for the dress. Ugh! This thing reads size 5. Sigh. I thought, "Ya know I’ve worn this dress twice. Once when I bought it and once before Goober 1. How depressing." HA!!! The Sucker fits!! So while I still want to lose another 9 pounds I gotta say I am THRILLED to have dropped 45 in 5 months. Yea!!

Monday, March 31, 2008

The Crayon Case

Exhibit A

Exhibit B

Exhibit C

On a late Saturday afternoon Exhibit A placed Exhibit C foreign body up Exhibit B. Due to the nature and placement of said foreign body Exhibit A was taken to a local hospital. After an over 2 hour wait, a doctor removed Exhibit C from Exhibit A’s Exhibit B with a pair of long tweezers. Although the jury is still perplexed as to the reason behind such an act...they are glad however that his accomplice did not imitate him in this endeavor.


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A Moment

Wow! It’s been forever since I’ve been on here or even posted anything so...

I’m one of those people that needs to always be "doing" something (can still hear that man naggin me in my head...) but then I end up starting several projects and am endlessly busy (hence why I have not been online). I complain, feel rushed and race around. Then when I get back to the dullness of the everyday because I have finished all my projects? I feel bummed. So here’s a recap of the past few weeks while I have not many things goin on for those interested. And for those who aren’t? Move on! Ya really don’t have to read this stuff ya know.

Hubs has been workin lots and well...I’m a missin the boy. Seems we quickly say everything in a few hours and off he goes to bed to get rested for another day. I know we decided this is what we would do for the kids but...Speaking of Goobers...

Daniel has takin up photography in the past week (the home page pic is ala Daniel). Heehee...Thanks to all the people who had a hand in creating the digital camera!! No wasted film. But do not fear oh those who hope he follows Daddy’s musical ear and love. The child still keeps askin me for a yellow electric guitar. I don’t think any of us need to worry he will be swapping either interest anytime soon.

Rebekah is...geez...becoming a Princess with a Queen attitude. And the girl already knows how to bat those baby blues at the boys. Oh dear! But of course her first real love is Daddy. And I’m thinkin when she’s ready...she’ll be askin for a drum set since banging a fork and a spoon on the table will probably become boring soon.

Michael is way too cute. He is a smilin, happy boy who lights up when he sees those he loves. Makes ya feel like you are the ONLY one he adores. He just started solids but still prefers belling up to the Milk Bar instead.

And me? I’ve been busy making Lil Miss outfits for spring/summer. In fact, I just sold a lot of her clothes and I’m not sure what hurt more. Seeing all the stuff I spent hours shoppin for before she was born go or the stuff I had made her go. But movin on...If ya wanna see the stuff I’ve done so far you can go into the "Finished crafts" folder. I have a few more things I wanna make her...okay...I have ALOT of things I wanna make her but right now I am working on reconstructing t-shirts for me. Weird to buy XL shirts after losing 40+ lbs only to make them smaller but...and working on re-learning to crochet. Think I got it except for the hdst.

So that’s it pretty much in compressed form what has been goin on besides the same old errand runnin, grocery shoppin, diaper changin, Goober feedin stuff. Aren’t ya glad I filled ya in? YAWN!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

An Early Gift

Yep! I went to see Wicked on Saturday night. DH decided this was going to be his gift for Valentine's Day to me. It is the last tour before the troupe is disbanded (they don't want another "Cats"). He didn't want to go so I went with my sister. It was GREAT!! We were 13 rows from the stage and almost dead center. The set was great, the costumes awesome, lighting terrific and actors wonderful!! Many have their favorite Elphaba and Glinda actresses. I've heard several recordings of various incarnations and I think Katie Clarke and Carmen Cusack were fantastic. Katie gave Glinda just the right "ditz" for the role and her soprano was dead on for the character. Carmen brought a deeper, more diverse and richer sound to Elphaba than others (including Idina...sorry) have. It was perfect for the character who is both dark and good. For those that read the book...yes, like any show they took liberties (afterall...who wants to end on a down note). Still good though since the focus is more on the friendship of these 2 characters and where each of their choices lead them. The only problem that night was...I'm short. The guy in front of me was tall. Couldn't see anything stage right. Good thing not much happened over there. It was a fabulous time!!! Go if you can!! Thanks CW!!!