Monday, September 3, 2007

Your Deception

Your affair has had farther reaching effects than you know. Your continual denial, even when the truth is presented, offering you redemption, is heartbreaking. It shows you chosing her over the children & I everytime. It has, however thaught me the mistakes (and tricks) you have done. A combined e-mail account? Brilliant! Especially on a service you normally use that would not send up any red flags? Genius! But secrets eat at people (at least those with a moral compass) until they can no longer keep them.

You had a great family who loved you, would have seen you through anything, gave their trust to you. What did you do? You traded it all for your own selfish pleasure seeking motives. You chose HER over us. She will never give you what the children did, what I did. That, however, is your own doing and destruction you have caused.

As we move on with our lives and heal, love will return. The children will have someone who will not chose flesh over their love. I will find someone who will love the children, who will love me, and would not jeapordize that by being self-centered, deceitful and selfish. I am sorry you could not fully appreciate what was so willingly and happily given to you. Hopefully one day you will understand the destruction and devastation your actions caused. Perhaps one day you will feel remorse for them. Perhaps.

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