Monday, September 3, 2007

The Poop, the Whole Poop and Nothing but the Poop

Before this week gets away I really should sum up the highs and lows of this past week. For some of you you know what the continuing low is need to go THERE.

On Tuesday I wanted to try and work on the boys' guitar mural in their room. So I changed REW and Bubba changed himself. Both had eaten breakfast. Cool! All set! Now for the most part the Munchkins get along (except for the "Mine! Mine!" thing) so I can leave them for short spurts and work on house stuff and know that they are safe. But PLEASE do not e-mail me if you feel this was wrong. My kids. My house. My rules. Now I usually check on them every 5 minutes but this time I was really into trying to get Frank Zappa's guitar right (ROFL!!) and missed my window. Oops! Big mistake! Next thing I hear is Bubba comin up the stairs to declare, "Mommy! Sissy ALL dddiiiirrrtttyyy!" **Brief thought: what could she have POSSIBLY got into?** I replied, "Sissy's all dirty?" "Yeah Mommy. ALL dirty." You...are...gonna...LOVE this!!! I go downstairs to find REW: naked and covered in what appeared to be a HUGE melted chocolate mess. Ahh...but since chocolate is no where around..yep! it was POOP! Her belly was covered. Her face was covered. Her hair was covered. In her poop covered hands she held out to me, like a peace offering, a big lump of poo. I WISH I had had my camera handy was freakin' FUNNY!!! And the pics would have been great "leverage" at a later date in her teen years. Instead I wisked her upstairs to hose her down, glancing at the clean diaper lying so casually on the living room floor. All I did was sigh, giggle, shake my head and continue holding her at arms length saying, "Uh-uh don't you touch ME Poopy Girl!" to her outstreched poop hands. Alright so now in terms of Fecal Covered Kids we are 2 for 3 (oh yeah, Bubba has a story too!). So I told CW Baby can have his time next summer...OUTSIDE!! gol.

Wednesday was mild in comparison with me painting a bedroom wall in our room since it takes only about 20 minutes. Not to worry, I turned her diaper backwards AND put her a onesie/shorts combo. No poop story in site.

Thursday, because of all the drama going on in other areas of my life, I misread the calender and thought my Doc appt was that day. Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang! Oh well...I went shopping. PHHTTT!!!

So Friday I returned to the Doc to check on Jellybean. He's fine and all is well. I lost 2.5 pounds. Gee...wonder why. Doc asked me why...told her I didn't know. Don't wanna be sharing all this crap (no pun intended) with others. As long as Baby is good. I'm fine. So total gain for almost 8 months is...13 pounds. Friday night was cool with a concert (Spectrum) and meeting new people and some time sans children. If I could have had a beer and a shot I woulda been set!

So there was my quick week in review. Now wasn't this better than any sleeping pill?

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