Friday, August 17, 2007

Call Of The Potty

Before our first child was born, my husband and I discussed MANY things: about how to raise him, how to school him, cloth vs. disposable and on and on. Among them was what we would refer to his private parts as. Neither of us thought the use of: pee-pee, tinkle, winky, blah, blah, blah were good choices. We believed (and still do) that he should know the correct anatomical names for his body parts, so penis it was and is! Then we had our daughter. Hmm…were we still gonna hold to this previous thought? Yep! So labia it was and still is! Now do not argue with us, labia vs. vagina (one is external, one internal) go argue on one of those websites about this issue. And yes, there ARE people who argue over this. Good grief!!! Anyway…

All this leads to what happens when the potty training begins. For experienced Mommas they know all too well. For the non-experienced…you MAY want to rethink your strategies unless you are not easily embarrassed when you hear a child screech things in the loudest voice possible.

Potty training and what you have chosen to have them call their body parts WILL inevitably end up shouted across a crowded store, whispered loudly in Church or, heck, just about anywhere when they have to go to the restroom…or simply feel the need to share what they are thinking at the time. It can be a source of humor and sometimes embarrassment. But it will also elicit scornful looks of "Know-It-All Moms" (AKA: those who have no kids or have yet to hit the potty training timetable) and knowing nods and smirks from Moms who have been there before and are SO glad to be done with it all.

We have once again begun the potty training thing with our son who will tell just about everyone about his "peanut". That he has one and so does Daddy but not Mommy or Sissy. Ahh…they begin SO young with that fixation girls. Now our daughter wants to start using the potty and hearing her say labia? Well, funny AND creepy to be honest.

While both seem to want to share this accurate, and dare I say; pretty-smart-for-their-age knowledge of their body with others I can't help but wonder if my husband & I really should have tried yelling these words to each other across a store to see the reaction of others prior to our children doing it. Yet, I don't think it would have garnered the same stares shouted by 30-some year olds as it does 3 year and 19 month old children. But MAN! That would have been funny!

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