Sunday, August 12, 2007

And Again...

I am so angry, sad and well...just tired of stuff that I think is dead ressurecting itself over and over. It is draining and boring. I wonder why people who know thier behavior or actions hurt would resume those same behaviors or actions. Perhaps I am dumb. Perhaps I am hoping for too much from others. People say they are doing one thing only for you to find out that... or someone apologizes and says it won't happen again and there they go...down that same road (kids are notorious for this BTW). Turning to another person instead of the one you should be turning to is not acceptable. If you want out of a relationship (marriage/friendship/whatever) why not just go? Why drag things out? I would rather you own up to crap than continue to lie.

So now what? I feel so overwhelmed considering I'm pregnant, have 2 little ones and gotta deal with this too. If I could runaway I would but...obviously that is not feasible.

What I do know is I thought things were being put to rest and we are all over. I feel like I am caught in a windstorm and being beat to heck. I'm just so tired. So tired.

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