Saturday, February 4, 2012

Wake Up! We Need to Talk!

Have you ever been awaken at 1:30AM by a gut punch to the stomach and the whisper of: "Wake up! We need to talk!"? Yeah, me neither. Until last night. When I felt the punch I cringed. When I heard the whisper...I wanted to hide. I knew that voice but this time I heard the urgency. It made the punch all the more real. God had called me.

I racked my brain to tried and figure out why. But He knew I knew. He waited. I didn't move. That  had been the problem. In a time I should have. I didn't. I pray for many people in the morning, throughout the day and at night, but I hadn't prayed for someone who had been in, and is in, desperate need right now.  He needed me to wake up, not just physically in this case.

I've spoken about being convicted when I have fallen short before. Gimme a break, I'm a sinner, I fall short of His Grace daily. For this person He wants me to move. Even as Christians we sometimes turn a blind eye when the Deceiver stands right before us. We listen when anger or spite manifest in others. We call it being sympathetic. We nod but say nothing when someone is gossiping, being spiteful or hateful and we call that: "letting them vent". Not that they "can't" but we need to move and suggest prayer. And if they don't want to do that, we do it on their behalf. Otherwise in our own way we aid the Deceiver to continue the deception and worming deeper into another's life.

When I heard what God wanted me to do for the person He laid on my heart, my first reaction was: "But I..." Then the thought trailed off. It wasn't about me. It was about what He has called all of us to do. Unmask the deception and reveal The Truth. I always ask God to let me know when He needs me to be called. Guess what? He did. He does.

 None of us may have the "right words" for people who God lays in our paths but we do have The Answer. We need to let others know what it is. Otherwise we only further Satan's Kingdom and we don't glorify God's. Prayer is a wonderful and powerful thing but sometimes we are called to do more and act  more, so God can BE more.

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