Sunday, January 16, 2011

Rainbows and Silver Linings

It has been a very LONG year. A diagnosis of cancer. The death of a precious cousin. The passing of a strong Godfather. The loss of a niece's close friend. Now to face limited time with a Father. Wow!

I have grieved and cried. Yet never have I questioned God as to, "Why?". A long time ago I read an article about grief and sorrow. Injustices that people "accuse" God of. In the article it spoke of people asking "Why me God?" or "Why him/her?" The author responded: "Why NOT?" As a Christian I believe God ALWAYS has a purpose so why when heartache or trials come would I think suddenly those things become without purpose. Because they happened to me or those I loved? Seems a bit self-centered. So I stopped asking God "Why?"

I ask God now, "Please help me learn what You need me to and be able to help others with that lesson if I can." It HAS been a long year but the rainbows and silver lings come in the fact that I know God has a purpose for me and lessons to learn. Things I need to know. Things I need to share with others. My road isn't meant to be "easy" and smooth because I am a believer. My life is meant to have ruts and potholes that make me cling tighter to the one in the Driver's seat on my Life journey. Eventually though I will see that the rains have cleared, the road is dry and the clouds are bright again. Right now...I'm hanging on...I see the road is getting bumpy ahead.

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