Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Random Thoughts

I should really try and write things down as they happen. Sometimes though, it is just impossible with 3 little ones underfoot.

My emotions have been all over the board lately and it makes me feel insane. I've been reading The Heroin Diaries by Nikki Sixx and can relate to the scattered thoughts. Only difference: he was high when he wrote his craziness and I'm not. Don't really know what is scarier here.

Right now, I have been feeling isolated. I'm with the kids all day, talk to my family & friends every so often...but I just feel all alone with my thoughts. I don't really talk to anyone, not even CW about what I'm feeling. Probably because I think he just doesn't care so I keep it to myself. How do I get out of this funk? When will this stop?

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