Friday, November 23, 2007


What can I say? You were a brave soul. Through the summer we watched you moved from your spacious high-rise loft to a middle floor apartment. You worked endlessly through the wind and rain. One could only envy your amazing work ethic. You lacked for nothing in skill. You made CW scream like a little girl in the early hours and me giggle hearing him scream. You were an incredible architect, even though we were the only ones whoever got to see your work. You worked so diligently these past few days creating an exquisite masterpiece in the warm sun and breeze. But it was to be for naught, when yesterday brought its blistering cold and snow. We will miss you Fred. Your hairy 6 legs. Your HUGE dime-sized body. Farewell Theridion frondeum! Our HUGE Cobweb Weaver!! Adieu!!

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