Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Michael's Birth Story

On October 12th at 5:20AM CW & I headed off to Fairview General Hospital for the scheduled induction of our third Wee One. We arrived at 5:50AM and headed off to the Birthing Center. I gotta say…exactly how many questions does one REALLY need to answer to have a baby? Jimminey Cricket!! Anyway…at 7:03 the nurse started the Pitocin and off we went!

Contractions came on quickly and furiously around 8:30AM. Talk about quick! At 9AM we (okay…I was) were 4cm dilated. Dr. Stephens came in and broke the membranes at 9:09AM. Does this all seem REALLY fast? Whew! It was. At 10:29AM the anesthesiologist came in and place the epidural. Ahhhhh…the sweet joy of drugs. Let's face it, I am a wimp and if they ever hand out $10,000 checks for natural births…only THEN would I go drug free. Onward…

At 11:40AM the nurse checked me and now I was at 9 ½ cm and +1 station. Doctor Stephens was on her way. Have to say that it took everything I had NOT to push at this point. That was a first. Doc arrived at 12:05PM, got set up, and by 12:10PM I was pushing for Wee One's entrance and he vacated the premises at 12:27PM. YEA!!! He weighed 7lbs 80z and was 19.5 inches long.

Funny thing is: I told Michael he had to be out in 5 hours. Good baby. SO close at 5 ½! So except for about 45 minutes of discomfort from contractions labor was not bad or long.

The next morning, however, he gave us a scare when he turned blue and unresponsive. We ran with him over to the nursery and the nurses and house doctor took over. I was terrified. Here was our little one who wasn't even a day old in danger. I was so scared to lose him; even now the thought of those moments will haunt me. It turns out he had an enormous amount of mucus. They monitored him for quite a while until they brought him back to us. I can't describe what it felt like to hold him close once they did.

He is a quiet little boy (although since he was our biggest Babe I call him our Gentle Giant) who nurses well and is a complete snuggler (must be our boys). I look at our other two Wee Ones, I look at him, and I know how much God has truly blessed this family. And I am thankful! Now the fun begins!

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