Sunday, October 21, 2007


Short. Simple. People still suck.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Michael's Birth Story

On October 12th at 5:20AM CW & I headed off to Fairview General Hospital for the scheduled induction of our third Wee One. We arrived at 5:50AM and headed off to the Birthing Center. I gotta say…exactly how many questions does one REALLY need to answer to have a baby? Jimminey Cricket!! Anyway…at 7:03 the nurse started the Pitocin and off we went!

Contractions came on quickly and furiously around 8:30AM. Talk about quick! At 9AM we (okay…I was) were 4cm dilated. Dr. Stephens came in and broke the membranes at 9:09AM. Does this all seem REALLY fast? Whew! It was. At 10:29AM the anesthesiologist came in and place the epidural. Ahhhhh…the sweet joy of drugs. Let's face it, I am a wimp and if they ever hand out $10,000 checks for natural births…only THEN would I go drug free. Onward…

At 11:40AM the nurse checked me and now I was at 9 ½ cm and +1 station. Doctor Stephens was on her way. Have to say that it took everything I had NOT to push at this point. That was a first. Doc arrived at 12:05PM, got set up, and by 12:10PM I was pushing for Wee One's entrance and he vacated the premises at 12:27PM. YEA!!! He weighed 7lbs 80z and was 19.5 inches long.

Funny thing is: I told Michael he had to be out in 5 hours. Good baby. SO close at 5 ½! So except for about 45 minutes of discomfort from contractions labor was not bad or long.

The next morning, however, he gave us a scare when he turned blue and unresponsive. We ran with him over to the nursery and the nurses and house doctor took over. I was terrified. Here was our little one who wasn't even a day old in danger. I was so scared to lose him; even now the thought of those moments will haunt me. It turns out he had an enormous amount of mucus. They monitored him for quite a while until they brought him back to us. I can't describe what it felt like to hold him close once they did.

He is a quiet little boy (although since he was our biggest Babe I call him our Gentle Giant) who nurses well and is a complete snuggler (must be our boys). I look at our other two Wee Ones, I look at him, and I know how much God has truly blessed this family. And I am thankful! Now the fun begins!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Baby Web Comin of Friday!!

Okay Kiddos…Jellybean's appearance is tomorrow! Wow! Time went fast AND slow! For those wondering (or whom I haven't filled in) we are scheduled for induction at Fairview at 6AM on Friday the 12th.

Looking forward to meeting this Wee One but not looking forward to night feedings and…well…labor pain. Because I'm not sure why people say, "Oh, once they put that Baby in your arms you forget ALL about the pain." Uh…yeah…I'm not thinking so! Obviously THEY want you to forget. Try telling that to my lower regions people (and the memories of 2 prior births...gol)!! Gggggrrrr…

Anyway…we (Baby & I (I'm sure CW will be online)…heehee) will be offline for a bit. Will update with photos ASAP and story (or nightmare depending on your point of view during a birth of a Baby)! Take care and send prayers our way!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Our Children's Journey

It has been said that life is a series of journeys and that every journey begins with a single step. I guess carrying another being inside makes one stop and ponder such thoughts. So far, as with previous pregnancies, it has just been Baby and me on his journey. Sure, others can "view" from the outside like my husband, family or friends. But basically it has been he and I. I have felt his first flutter, his kicks, his squirming…and although I really want him out…I will miss this part of his journey. Yet soon another one will begin.

As parents we get that privilege of being part of our children's journey and thus our OWN journey too. They move from small helpless beings into these self reliant and independent children. You teach them how to do things and then one day…you find yourself no longer a participator but a spectator. They grow up and "When" you wonder, "did they do THAT?" And YOU grow.

See even though our Goobers are still young…I am a bit saddened to see them growing so quickly and yet at the same time am SO glad they are becoming questioning little beings in their own right. They are incredible little beings who are growing in knowledge, creativity and capability each day. I love to see them on their journey and although I can still participate, as they ARE young, I know that one day I will stand on the sidelines. Shaking with fear and Hope, biting my lip when they struggle, yet knowing this will be part of their learning. They will have journeys in their lives that I will be able to see and other private journeys that NO one may be witness to.

I try to stay in the moment with them and not "plan" too much for the future so I can enjoy the "Now" with them. John Lennon once said, "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." Wasting the precious time we DO have together by worrying about their subsequent journey makes me miss out on the present journey. And I do NOT want to miss THAT!