Saturday, September 22, 2007

Oh Golly!! Halloween!!

***Forewarning: Hot Button For Many***

So here I am making the kids' Halloween costumes (Yeah I'm a dork Mom. I sew their costumes) and pondering the whole Halloween "thing". I love Fall and Halloween (could ya tell from my profile page?). I love the colors, the smell of candy apples, apple cider, the leaves turning color and the crispness of the air. I love the little funny witches and monsters you see on cards or window clings. I love carving jack-o-lanterns (and yes, I do go somewhat nutso on them). I love hearing our son tell us he is gonna "be a cowboy and Sissy be a cowgirl". I have no "hidden" agenda and I do not worship other Gods or Goddesses. As a Christian however, I am told this is a "bad" thing.

We all know that most holidays have their beginnings in pagan worship. I used to practice Wicca so I know all about Samhain. Yet here I am. Having renewed my commitment to God and yet I still struggle over most holidays and celebrating them. Many think of Halloween as "more" evil than all the others and of course this is my FAVORITE season and holiday. There I admit it. For most people who aren't Christian, OR those who just blindly follow the crowd, Halloween (or ANY holiday for that matter) is rarely contemplated. And quite honestly it is also a weird subject if you ask a Christian their stance on it. Some are against it completely. They have no pumpkins, so scarecrows and obviously do NOT take their children trick-or-treating. Then there are those who believe in "Fall Festivals" so they participate in hay rides, apple bobbing, "safe" costumes and may even celebrate on November 1st and call it: All Saint's Day and then there are others, much like myself, who participate in trick-or-treating, taking their children to Boo at the Zoo and see it as harmless fun. Now, I don't know which one is actually right, but I do know that I will be held accountable for all my actions and even if I hide them from the World, God will still know my heart. And He knew I would enjoy Halloween, right or wrong. I also know that if Halloween is bad so are other holidays.

Christmas, Easter and Valentine's Day were ALL once pagan holidays too. So why are they not considered "evil" as well? See, here is why I get confused. Surprise! Every holiday, with the exception of Passover and Pentecost, is never described in the Bible. Which means simply, if God gave no instruction on how to celebrate them then they are NOT celebrations that would be pleasing to Him. Therefore they should not be celebrated either. Jeremiah 10: 2-5 "Thus says the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cuts a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither is it in them to do good." However ask any Christian about Easter, Christmas or Valentine's Day and usually they are "all for them".

Please don't misunderstand, I am not saying these Christians are "bad", but people need to UNDERSTAND what they heck they are celebrating and why. That goes for EVERYONE! Be you a Christian or not. Are you "following the crowd" or do you have full knowledge of what and why you celebrate a holiday? Personally, other than Halloween I am not a "big" participator of man created holidays. I decorate minimally and partake even less. Most holidays, as I said earlier, are pagan in their beginnings, rejuvenated as "Christian" observances by the Catholic Church, and so completely bastardized by modern society that they no longer even hold "traditional" pagan meanings! Sure I could give ya a short history lesson on the holidays…but hey! You got a computer! Use it. And while you are at it…use your mind and wonder why you celebrate what you do. Again, the bottom line is: decide what's right for YOUR family, YOUR beliefs, and YOUR God. However, as a parent at least be able to intelligently tell your children the reasons you celebrate the way you do. Just a thought.

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